
Hanuman is a Hindu god and an ardent devotee of Rama. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana and its various versions. He also finds mentions in several other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas and some Jain texts. A vanara(monkey), Hanuman participated in Rama's war against the demon king Ravana. Several texts also present him as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. He is the son of Kesari, and is also described as the son of Vayu, who according to several stories, played a role in his birth. Hanuman is considered the son of Vaayu, the Wind God.

Hanuman is an outstanding scholar and master of Vedas. Hanuman symbolizes heroism and valor to fight for the cause of dharma, devotion and selfless service, and above all, humility. Hanuman is Para Brahma. Hanuman and Dattatreya have special relation. Where ever Datta temple is there and there is also a shrine of Hanuman, then that Hanuman is called as Karya Siddhi Hanuman. Hanuman has the energies of Vishnu and Shiva. Hanuman is Chiranjeevi and is present at all times. Hanuman is also a specialist in the nine types of devotion. Hanuman is a good character to emulate. He was a great Sanskrit Grammar scholar, full of servitude, great Dharmic warrior.
Hanuman is the monkey deity renowned for his courage, power and faithful, selfless service. The Life of Hanuman is related below in the form of short numbered and illustrated accounts of some of the most important parts of his life -

Life History of Hanuman

Some say Hanuman was born as the son of the King and Queen of the Monkeys. To others, he is the son of Anjana, an female Apsara who had been transformed into a monkey by a curse, and Vayu, the wind god. It is also said that from his father Vayu Hanuman received the ability to fly.

As soon as Hanuman was born he felt hungry and his mother could not satisfy him. Then he caught sight of the Sun and thinking it was a fruit he leapt after it. The Sun took flight but Hanuman chased him as far as Indra's heaven. Here however, Indra intervened and injured Hanuman's jaw with his thunderbolt.

But his father was quick to avenge him and entered the bodies of all gods and gave them colic. Indra apologized to Vayu and agreed that Hanuman should become immortal. All the gods came together to bless young Hanuman in a cave.

As a young monkey god, Hanuman was quite naughty and abused his powers to pester the saints living in the nearby forest. On this painting Hanuman can be seen creating a whirlwind with his breath, drinking offered water, pulling a supporting stick with his tail, pulling a beard and dousing a sacred fire.

Finally all the gods prayed to Brahma to find a solution. Thus a curse was created to protect the world from the mischief that young Hanuman created, by removing his knowledge of his powers.

Jambavant, the bear king, remembered Hanuman of his power of "Becoming Big".

Using this power, Hanuman could easily fight an elephant since he could become much bigger than the elephant at will.

Sursa, commanded Hanuman to enter her mouth if he needs to proceed further. Then Hanuman suddenly became very small, went inside & came out of her mouth thus fulfilling her boon.

Before entering Lanka, Hanuman had to defeat the Demon Lankini, who was the principal guard of the city of Lanka.

In Ashokvatika Hanuman spies Ravana, forcing Sita into becoming his wife. Hanuman speaks to Sita, tells her of the plans being made for her deliverance & gave her Rama's signet ring as a token.

Pleased with his succes, Hanuman fought the demon Meghnaath, son of Ravana, in the gardens of the palace of Lanka. He won over Meghnaath, but was finally captured by Ravana's demons.

Ravana ordered that while as a messenger of Rama he could not be killed, his tail could be set afire with cloth and oil. But Hanuman used his powers to enlarge his tail indefinitely.

Trailing his burning tail behind him, Hanuman then set fire to all of Lanka and flew back to the mainland. He rejoined Rama and gave him valuable information on Ravana's forces. The monkey army crossed a bridge to Lanka that was made by another monkey leader and master architect called Nala

Hanuman's greatest feat was to bring back the herb that cured Lakshman from a fatal wound. He flew al the way to the Himalayas to find it, harassed by many demons, such as Kalanemi. Because Indra was confusing him, Hanuman could not find the herb and finally brought the entire mountain to Lanka.

Ram and Sita were crowned King and Queen of Ayodhya. Hanuman remained Ram's favorite general and continued his life in service to him. When Rama offered a boon, he asked to live for as long as people spoke of Rama's deeds.

Tvamasmin Karya Niryoge Pramaanam Harisattama - Hanuman Yatna Maasthaya Dukha Kshaya Karo Bhava

Devotee's Experiences

Swami Sahaja Datta Pada, Mysore
"Swamiji, you give so many things to your devotees, how come you never give me anything?"
He looked at me and said in the most compassionate voice, "I don't give you anything, for I have kept you in my heart"

Swamy Vishnudatta Padarenu, Russia
Sri Swamiji addressed me by my name, Varada Raja, greeted me, allowed me to do Namaskaram, and then began speaking with me as though He had known me for several years....

Mysore Patrike Venkatramu
"I bless all those who come to me irrespective of their caste or religion. If a Christian comes to me I tell him to believe in Jesus and continue to have faith in his own religion. Likewise, if a Muslim comes to me I stress upon the importance of being a good Muslim and follow his own faith..."

S Dwarkanath, Mysore
"Your friend Satyanarayana has become a Swamiji, I went and paid my respects, you also go and do the same", I did not pay any attention to this talk so she hit me on the head....

C S Venkatesh, Bangalore
"Wherever you work, as a clerk or an engineer, be honest and sincere and pray to God and your Guru. You will come out good in life".....

Krishan Kumar, Mysore
Then He took me to His room and showed me a map of India, showing certain places saying that He wanted to go there. "Will you take me? Will you take me?"....

Sheetal Persad
"Don't worry; Sri Swamiji will take care." I realized at that moment that he was answering my thoughts. He knows everything for He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He is my master.....