Pyramids were the final resting for the Living Pharos. The real reason for building
these mammoth constructions at a great expense was to serve as a royal hospital
and maternity wards for the Queens. The Angular Measurements of the Pyramids correspond
to the Angles of SriChakra and the "Capstone" serves
the same purpose as the "Kalasham" on the Temple Towers.
Pyramids give out Bio-Energy Fields akin to those found in ancient SriChakra installed
temples of India, which provides the Bio-Energy to cure the illness of those who
rested in the Pyramids. Also the Egyptian priests used these chambers for
"Initiation Ceremonies" and preparation of "Talisman"
to protect the Royal Family. SriChakra drawn from inside the Pyramids gets Energized
SriChakra is the mystical construction of the Cosmos.
The secrets of Cosmic unity is held by the inter-penetration of
Nine Triangles. Triangles - The product of Three phases of Cosmic process
- Creation, Preservation, Dissolution and the
Triad of Time - Past, Present and Future,
into which the whole of the activities and the universe could be summed up. The
significance of Sri hakra created by ancient seers thousands of years ago is really
The Sri hakra or Sri Yantra, the spiritual design of the Divine Mother is a yantra
formed by Nine Interlocking Triangles [Nava Avaranaas, or 9 Encirclements]
that surround and radiate out from the Bindu-The Junction Point
between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. SriChakra consists of a
concentric series of triangles cumulating in one singular triangle at the center.
Four of the triangles point upwards, representing Lord Shiva or the Masculine. Five
of these triangles point downwards, representing Goddess Shakti or the Feminine.
Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and the divine Feminine.
Because it is composed of Nine triangles, it is known as the "Navayoni
Together the Nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles
in a web symbol of the entire Cosmos or a Womb Symbolic of Creation. Together they
express Advaita [Non-Duality]. This is surrounded by
a Lotus of Eight Petals, a Lotus of
Sixteen Petals and an Earth Square resembling
a Temple with Four doors. The SriChakra is also known as the Nava
Chakra because it can also be seen as having Nine levels.
Each level corresponds to a Mudra, a Yogini, and a specific form of the deity, the
beauty of the three worlds, Tripura Sundari, Goddess Raja Rajeshwari,
along with her mantra.
The various aspects of Goddess of Nature reside in symbolic forms, in these Chakras
[Circles]. Hence the worship of SriChakra is equivalent to the worship of Mother
Nature. This worship has Mystic and Yogic significance. Hence its not possible for
all to worship this SriChakra. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
being one of the Avatars in the Dattatreya Lineage is capable of worshipping Sri
Chakra as according to the path stipulated by our ancient seers.
SriChakra Yantra with Pyramid.
Having formulated a limited edition of SriChakra with "Life-Induced"
[Energised] into them from inside the Pyramid, the permanent sealing
of the "Circuits" were completed in India at the alter of deities of ancient SriChakra
installed temples of South India, Sringeri, Tiruvanaikaval, Kanchipuram. Mangadu
and Chidambaram. SriChakra is also worshipped by Sri Ganapathy
Sachchidananda Swamiji of Avadhoota Datta Peetham.
Benefits of SriChakra.
The proper flow of Bio-Energy is ensured by this SriChakra. It's very presence itself
is beneficial.
Simple Worship of SriChakra
SriChakra can be worshipped by Devi Mantras. There are several traditions of the
worshipping the SriChakra. The very simple and effective pooja of SriChakra is known
as the SriChakra Navavarana pooja as per the Khadgamala Vidhi. For all round spiritual
and material benefits it is a highly effective pooja. If one cannot do a detailed
worship, they can worship the SriYantra 108 times with the simple Devi Mantra:
Swami Sahaja Datta Pada, Mysore
"Swamiji, you give so many things to your devotees, how come you never give me anything?"
He looked at me and said in the most compassionate voice, "I don't give you anything,
for I have kept you in my heart"
Swamy Vishnudatta Padarenu, Russia
Sri Swamiji addressed me by my name, Varada Raja, greeted me, allowed me to do Namaskaram,
and then began speaking with me as though He had known me for several years....
Mysore Patrike Venkatramu
"I bless all those who come to me irrespective of their caste or religion. If a
Christian comes to me I tell him to believe in Jesus and continue to have faith
in his own religion. Likewise, if a Muslim comes to me I stress upon the importance
of being a good Muslim and follow his own faith..."
S Dwarkanath, Mysore
"Your friend Satyanarayana has become a Swamiji, I went and paid my respects, you
also go and do the same", I did not pay any attention to this talk so she hit me
on the head....
C S Venkatesh, Bangalore
"Wherever you work, as a clerk or an engineer, be honest and sincere and pray to
God and your Guru. You will come out good in life".....
Krishan Kumar, Mysore
Then He took me to His room and showed me a map of India, showing certain places
saying that He wanted to go there. "Will you take me? Will you take me?"....
Sheetal Persad
"Don't worry; Sri Swamiji will take care." I realized at that moment that he was
answering my thoughts. He knows everything for He is omniscient, omnipotent and
omnipresent. He is my master.....